Unlocking potential through a huge range of clubs and activities

So much to experience and now’s the time to do it

At St Jo’s, our students are kept on their toes during busy school days, but they are always ready for club time.

Young people have wonderful reserves of energy and our outstanding array of clubs entices them to hone existing or develop new skills, talents and knowledge.

Our curriculum is broad, relevant and dynamic and our sports provision is exceptional, but we still cannot shoehorn in every worthwhile activity within the school day. For that reason, we value our extra-curricular offering. Our brilliant clubs offer extension activities to stretch the most able and excite and engage all students. The College’s clubs are enriching to our students and also offer a wonderful conduit for channelling the strengths and passions of our highly accomplished staff.

Clubs extend the school day in a way that is both supportive for working parents and beneficial for students. Without travelling away from the College campus, our students have access to inspiring activities and sports they wish to pursue. This is also a time to rehearse, complete homework, make new friends across the year groups and, especially at exam time, attend revision sessions with subject specialists.

Prep School

They say a change is as good as a rest and whilst our youngest pupils may be a little tired by the end of the working day, we find they pick up wonderfully when club time comes around.

Our Prep clubs cover the arts, sciences, sports and games. Activities are as varied as Samba Superstars, hockey, trampolining, chess and STEM.

The majority of clubs come at no additional cost, although a few, such as tennis, ballet and Boxing Bambinos have a charge attached. 

Club times may be used for homework or for rehearsals. Some clubs are closely aligned to academic work, the Greek Myths and Art & Textiles, for example. Many hone or widen sporting skills – cricket, football, basketball, cross country and so on. Girls in Years 3 to 6 are offered masterclasses in netball and boys in Years 3 and 4 ‘ready for contact’, are invited to wrestle and grapple safely with rugby teammates before the start of the school day. 

Club times expand horizons, consolidate learning, allow skills to be mastered and even get homework out of the way before hometime. Add to all that, trips to sites of interest and visiting speakers on topics as wide-ranging as earthquake response, the Listed buildings of Ipswich and beach cleaning – we ensure the extra-curricular box is well and truly ticked!


Senior School

With exceptionally good facilities, a spacious green campus, and well-qualified and highly motivated staff, St Joseph’s College is well placed to offer a scintillating selection of extra-curricular activities during our development hour, to students in the Senior School.

We are renowned for our sporting excellence and there’s no doubt about it, many of our students would rather begin and end their day with training than pretty much anything else. We love their passion and commitment and therefore offer skills clubs, masterclasses and development sessions in all our performance sports and other more minor sports too, including squash, basketball, hockey, trampolining and barbells.

Many students use the daily development hour and other club sessions to focus on arts activities, including rehearsals, academic extension, in languages and additional GCSEs, or to complete their homework at a time when help, should it be needed, is at hand. 

For the majority – and much encouraged by the school – development hour is an opportunity to try something new alongside known interests and completing set work. So, for example, it would be quite feasible to attend pantomime rehearsal one day (oh yes you can!), Model United Nations on another afternoon, baton twirling on the third and a table top gaming session on the fourth. 

Clubs help our students become the well-rounded individuals we want them to be. They allow time for activities such as the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award to be undertaken, participate in Race Track Physics and gain some valuable baking experience at the Food Club.


Sixth Form

Life can become a little intense for Sixth Formers, with examinations and coursework deadlines forever pressing. But all work and no play is not the way forward.

We offer our Lower and Upper Sixth students all sorts of options for varying their routines and improving their CVs.

By the time students reach Sixth Form, they tend to have some well-established interests of their own which they are keen to pursue at every opportunity. For the musicians among them, this might include playing with a band or competing at arts festivals. The actors might be eager to take on a leading role in our annual musical or attempt a medal in the LAMDA classes we host. Those considering a teaching career or working with children might like to volunteer as ambassadors in our Prep School. And, as ever at St Jo’s, the sports enthusiasts will simply want to train, play and improve their personal bests whenever time allows.

Clubs, trips, visits and speakers are as important as ever for young people of this age group. Their academic work has become specialised and will be their focus but there are plenty of opportunities to add to their qualifications, learn new skills or simply add value to their leisure time. 

As grandees of the school, looked up to as role models, their participation is an encouragement to younger students, too. The confidence that comes with growing maturity now comes to the fore. A large number of Lower Sixth students take part in the annual hustings, pitching for senior prefect, and Deputy and Head Boy and Girls roles. It is also an annual delight to the St Joseph’s community to see the stars of the 1st XV taking to the stage in the musical show.



Here you will find answers to some of the commonly asked questions about St Joseph’s College extra-curricular activities. Feel free to browse through the questions to learn more.

Is there an additional charge for development hour clubs?

There is no charge-  you can choose from a huge range of clubs, covering pursuits from race track physics to chess. Clubs allow students to follow passions in depth and also to try something new. Club time can be purely recreational and social, or it can build students’ expertise skills – in first aid skills for example, or cookery. The time is utilised during pre-exam periods for extra revision sessions too.

Do the buses leave before the development hour clubs?

Our minibus timetables take development hour into account and buses leave afterwards.  

How do I pick the clubs my child would like to try?

Ahead of each term, parents are supplied with a list of available clubs, and students are asked to take an active role in selecting which clubs they wish to participate in. Those in examination year groups in particular, may wish to use the time for revision sessions and top-up classes. The hour also gives students the chance to complete homework in the library, with daily supervised prep, meaning they are free to pursue leisure interests and sports once they get home.

My child doesn’t want to study drama at GCSE or A-level. Can they still participate?

Yes! We recognise the power and pleasure of performance and aim to welcome all comers. Opportunities outside curriculum subjects include choirs, the College musical, the annual Arts Festival and after-school clubs. 

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