So much to experience and now’s the time to do it
At St Jo’s, our students are kept on their toes during busy school days, but they are always ready for club time.
Young people have wonderful reserves of energy and our outstanding array of clubs entices them to hone existing or develop new skills, talents and knowledge.
Our curriculum is broad, relevant and dynamic and our sports provision is exceptional, but we still cannot shoehorn in every worthwhile activity within the school day. For that reason, we value our extra-curricular offering. Our brilliant clubs offer extension activities to stretch the most able and excite and engage all students. The College’s clubs are enriching to our students and also offer a wonderful conduit for channelling the strengths and passions of our highly accomplished staff.
Clubs extend the school day in a way that is both supportive for working parents and beneficial for students. Without travelling away from the College campus, our students have access to inspiring activities and sports they wish to pursue. This is also a time to rehearse, complete homework, make new friends across the year groups and, especially at exam time, attend revision sessions with subject specialists.
Here you will find answers to some of the commonly asked questions about St Joseph’s College extra-curricular activities. Feel free to browse through the questions to learn more.
Is there an additional charge for development hour clubs?
There is no charge- you can choose from a huge range of clubs, covering pursuits from race track physics to chess. Clubs allow students to follow passions in depth and also to try something new. Club time can be purely recreational and social, or it can build students’ expertise skills – in first aid skills for example, or cookery. The time is utilised during pre-exam periods for extra revision sessions too.
Do the buses leave before the development hour clubs?
Our minibus timetables take development hour into account and buses leave afterwards.
How do I pick the clubs my child would like to try?
Ahead of each term, parents are supplied with a list of available clubs, and students are asked to take an active role in selecting which clubs they wish to participate in. Those in examination year groups in particular, may wish to use the time for revision sessions and top-up classes. The hour also gives students the chance to complete homework in the library, with daily supervised prep, meaning they are free to pursue leisure interests and sports once they get home.
My child doesn’t want to study drama at GCSE or A-level. Can they still participate?
Yes! We recognise the power and pleasure of performance and aim to welcome all comers. Opportunities outside curriculum subjects include choirs, the College musical, the annual Arts Festival and after-school clubs.