A suffolk independent school delivering first-class education

Engaged Learners Stay
the Course

Education has the power to shape our future. We want all our students to enjoy their educational journey gaining knowledge, wisdom and curiosity. And so, our approach at St Jo’s is differentiated, nuanced and flexible.

As Helen Keller noted, “A well-educated mind will always have more questions than answers.” Our role at St Joseph’s College is to spark curiosity and develop questioning minds, to immerse our children in the joy of discovery. We want our students to love school and to relish the academic education that will allow them to become whoever they want to be. 

Here at St Jo’s they can be joyful and that’s our aim for all young people. We want our students to love school and to relish the academic education that will allow them to become whoever they want to be.

The foundations are laid in our Nursery and Prep School where our children see the benefits of learning in the cheerful adults around them. When the teacher is enthusiastic about lizards, electrical circuits or bright African cloth, the children catch and magnify that spirit. Project work consolidates the basics and demonstrates the usefulness of legible writing and accurate graphs.

As students progress, their school academic work is guided by the National Curriculum but never limited to or hamstrung by it. Our inventive subject specialists use all means at their disposal to keep the work relevant, interesting and fun.

St Jo’s Prep School

There is something undeniably charming about our polite and highly-motivated Prep School children, smartly dressed in their traditional striped blazers and sitting up straight, ready to make the most of every working day.

We are ambitious for our pupils, but always caring. We want them to be inspired by the curriculum and by their warm and dedicated teachers. Happiness pays forward. Children who have been empowered by learning thrive and make the world a better place.

The basics encountered and mastered at Prep, will allow children to flourish when they move on to the Senior school. But while these important foundations are being laid, the education is anything but narrow.

Cross-curricular project work studied over a number of weeks allows the children to put their learning into context and to see the connections. Recalling the date of the Great Fire of London doesn’t take you very far. Imagining the newspaper headlines of the day, examining the construction of the buildings consumed, painting the conflagration, considering the consequences for the city dwellers… brings history to life and touches on science, engineering, writing and more. We want children to think critically and to use their imaginations.


St Jo’s College Senior School

We want our students to consider long term life goals; not just examination results.

We will help them navigate their own way through challenges and be at their side as they become confident, respectful and kind young people with the qualities and qualifications needed to excel.

We don’t go in for muttering teenagers. St Joseph’s College students will look you in the eye and hold a pleasant and reasoned conversation on any number of topics. Our academic programme is different to the other independent schools in Suffolk, it is geared to engagement, discussion, independent learning and critical questioning. We want young people unafraid to think for themselves.

With small class sizes allowing teachers and students to develop a genuine rapport and our openness to a range of different learning techniques, academics at St Jo’s is a collaborative process. We have outstanding pastoral care and early intervention measures available, should anyone be struggling.

The value added to each student in terms of examination results, is consistently outstanding.

Our 2023 GCSE results included for all Year 11 students:

  • Grades 9-7 in all subjects: 35% 
  • Grades 9-4 in all subjects: 77%  
  • 93% grades 4 or higher in English
  • 84% grades 4 or higher in Mathematics 
  • 85% of students with 5+ GCSES 9-4 (or equivalent) including English & Mathematics


St Jo’s Sixth Form

The Sixth Form is such a critical stage in determining your future that it makes sense to study somewhere with the facilities, culture and focus to help you perform to your best – where you are known as an individual and not just as a potential examination grade.

You don’t need to have attended St Joseph’s Senior School to come to our Sixth Form. Every year we welcome a significant influx of new students from the UK and overseas to join us and add to the unforgettable St Jo’s Sixth Form experience

The focus for most Sixth Form students is on traditional A-levels; – BTEC and CTEC vocational courses are increasingly popular, too. It is also possible to follow a hybrid of the two routes to higher education or employment.

Small we might be, but that is belied by the large range of subjects offered – see our Sixth Form Courses and Options booklet. Our expert and experienced staff will spend quality time with you discussing what is best for you and we have built in a degree of flexibility to allow for those first term wobbles.

 Examination results for 2023 included:

128 Average UCAS points per student – this is equivalent to A B B 

50% of students achieved A*/A grade or equivalent

Student destinations included Anglia Ruskin, Brighton, Bristol, Brunel, Cardiff, Essex, Exeter, Falmouth, King’s College London, Kent, Lancaster, Leicester, Loughborough, Newcastle, Nottingham, Reading, Sheffield, St Mary’s, Sussex, Trent, UCL, UEA, Warwick, and York.



Here you will find answers to some of the commonly asked questions about Academics at St Joseph’s College. Feel free to browse through the questions to learn more.

Is St Joseph’s College an academically selective independent school?

We are proud to be a non-academically selective school. We welcome students of all abilities and believe in stretching the most academically able, whilst also supporting those who may need additional support. Our aim is to create an inclusive and supportive community where every student can reach their full potential.

Why don’t we see St Joseph’s College in league tables?

St Jo’s doesn’t appear in league tables because we choose not to register for them. We do not recognise league tables as the best way to record our students’ attainment. We take students with a mixed range of abilities and we celebrate each individual Everest conquered. That said, St Jo’s proves that you don’t have to select academically to achieve well academically. We consistently ‘add value’ as our students outperform their forecasted grades. We do this through the provision of excellent teaching and learning opportunities and by ensuring our students are happy, challenged and esteemed. Happy students are much more likely to thrive and excel.

How do you stretch those who are thriving academically?

St Jo’s offers a range of opportunities to stretch those who are thriving academically. We have advanced courses, such as the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), Foundation Project Qualification (FPQ), and Higher Project Qualification (HPQ), allowing students to gain valuable research and presentation skills in areas of their choosing. There are enrichment programmes, and subject-specific challenges, such as national and international maths competitions and language spelling bees. Our teachers provide personalised support and guidance to help students reach their full potential.

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