Our one-day A Level programmes offer targeted full day courses focused on one subject for AS and A Levels. These revision blasts can build confidence and develop skills to help students that need a boost to their learning.
Each course runs from 9.30am to 3.30pm, with a lunch break and refreshment stops during the day.  A ‘grab and go’ lunch is included within the course fee.  With five hours of revision each day, this represents very good value compared to private tuition and is lower than revision courses available from other providers.
For students in Year 13, attendance on the AS (Year 12 content) and A Level programmes (Year 13 content) can allow key topics across the full two years of learning to be covered.
7th April: Textiles AS workshop
7th April: AS Biology
8th April: Textiles A Level workshop
8th April:A Level Biology
14th April: AS Economics
14th April: A Level Art
15th April: A Level Economics
17th April: A Level Business
17th April: A Level Spanish
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