Thursday 7 November 2024

Gold-plated Recognition of St Joseph’s Excellence in the Arts

Mrs Victoria Harvey

Vice Principal Co-curricular & Educational Visits Coordinator

I am thrilled to announce that St Joseph’s College has once again achieved the prestigious Artsmark Gold award. This rigorous assessment recognises our unwavering commitment to embedding a culture of arts, creativity and expression throughout our school community.

The assessors from Arts Council England praised St Joseph’s College as a successful, ambitious school dedicated to nurturing the whole child through a well-rounded and balanced education where the arts play a vital role. This Gold award in our Artsmark journey is a powerful testament to the strength, consistency and impact of our creative programmes. The assessors noted with enthusiasm the energy and dynamism we bring to maintaining our high standards.

Our Artsmark submission highlighted two key strengths directly linked to Artsmark criteria: our commitment to ‘Engaging and Empowering Children and Young People’ and our ‘Incredible Range of Arts Offerings’. Over the past two years, we’ve created unique opportunities for students to serve as arts coaches and ambassadors, encouraging ownership and pride in their creative endeavours both within the school and in the broader community. From working with stars of the West End to inspiring younger pupils in local schools, our students are developing their skills while spreading joy and creativity.

We have significantly expanded our arts programming to engage even more students, including training additional Arts Award advisors, implementing Arts Award programmes, upgrading our digital tech equipment, and extending instrumental music instruction to all Prep School pupils.

As Vice Principal of Co-Curricular and Head of Creative & Performing Arts, I am immensely proud of this achievement, which underscores our deep dedication to nurturing creativity across the College. Our arts offerings are extensive, from clubs and curriculum-based activities to arts festivals, cultural tours and more.

This fantastic news also coincides with the recent announcement of our upcoming College musical, Aladdin, which will give students from Year 5 to Upper Sixth the chance to collaborate and perform in June 2025 at the Riverside Theatre, Woodbridge.

At a time when cuts to arts funding are affecting so many schools—and, most importantly, the social mobility of young people—St Jo’s remains steadfast in treating the arts not as an extracurricular add-on but as a core part of our identity. The arts here provide all students, regardless of background or ability, new ways of understanding themselves and the world around them. It is a privilege to witness countless magical moments when students act, sing, dance and paint, discovering new confidence and abilities.

We pride ourselves on recognising the spark of talent in every child and encouraging them to step outside their comfort zones, as they grow into confident and capable young people. The arts make us human, and our comprehensive arts provision both within and beyond the curriculum is a defining feature of what makes St Joseph’s special.

Thank you to everyone who contributes to making St Joseph’s a vibrant hub for the arts. This award reflects not only the commitment of our teachers, who bring creativity and enthusiasm into the classroom every day, but also the support of parents who encourage their children’s artistic pursuits, attend performances, volunteer at events, and help foster a thriving culture of creativity. Additionally, we’re truly grateful to our Board of Governors, partners and supporters who enrich our arts programming by sharing resources, expertise, and opportunities that allow our students to explore and grow in new ways.

Together, we have built an environment where creativity flourishes and students are empowered to express themselves, develop their talents and experience the joy of the arts. This award is a celebration of all that we’ve achieved as a community, and we look forward to even greater creative accomplishments in the future.

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