Thursday 23 August 2018

A Celebration of Achievement ‘At All Levels’

Following a record year at A-level, St Joseph’s College is celebrating another strong set of results at GCSE, with a high number of students attaining the full set of grades 7-9.

86% of students achieved Grade 4 and above in Mathematics and 84% achieved Grade 4 and above in English Language. In terms of five GCSEs at Grade 4 or above including English Language and Mathematics, the College has matched the 76% also achieved in 2017. 88% of all grades attained were at 4 to 9.

When it comes to students’ success, this raw attainment gives just one part of the picture. When added to an equally strong set of Level 3 results last week, as well as students’ individual progress and their value-added achievements, the year has been incredibly pleasing overall.

Vice Principal Academic, Mr Cinnamond, said, ’Of course, one student’s Grade 4 can be as great an achievement as another student’s Grade 9 and this is very much a part of the ethos of St Joseph’s College, where we celebrate achievement at all levels. However, we are particularly happy with the number of Grade 9s which our students have attained across a variety of subjects, testifying to the expertise of our teaching staff and hard work of our students’.

‘We have a large number of students who have achieved a clean sweep of results at Grades 7 to 9, including one student with seven Grade 9s. The overwhelming majority of our Y11s will be staying on to take A-levels, EPQ and/or BTEC qualifications with us in September,’ he added.

‘This is the first year of the Grades 1 to 9 across all subjects – except where we have retained IGCSE qualifications – so comparison with previous years is less straightforward. Likewise, target setting and predicting have been made more complex’, he said.

 St Joseph’s Principal, Mrs Clarke stated ‘This is a very good set of results which accurately reflects the hard work put in by both staff and students. Certainly we are delighted that our students have done themselves, their parents and the College proud. We look forward to welcoming these super Year 11s into our high performing Sixth Form to take their education to the next stage’

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