Sunday 18 February 2018

Prep School Prefects – developing the role of a leader

In any school leadership is critical, as is the inclusion of students as part of that leadership. The position of prefect is a position of responsibility and one which provides an important connection between pupils and staff. Our Year 6 prefects represent eight different teams: Digital Leaders, Play Leaders, Peer Mentors, Eco-Committee, Media Ambassadors, House Captains, Lunch Hall prefects and the Learning Council.

The Prefect Team plays an important role throughout the entire school community: it is responsible for helping to set the atmosphere amongst the pupils and for maintaining and enhancing the ethos of St Joseph’s College Prep School. With the support of Prep School staff our Year 6 pupils are able to lead committees, organise inter house competitions, and provide advice and peer learning support for younger pupils.

Our prefects are significant role models and therefore are expected to demonstrate the values of the Prep school in their daily lives as well as encouraging them in others. Our Year 6 pupils have shown they are clearly taking their roles seriously and have developed supportive and encouraging relationships with the younger pupils.

The role of prefect provides the opportunity for students to be educated and equipped in their roles as leaders and provides a mechanism by which they can effectively and efficiently carry out their responsibilities for the benefit of all. The role of prefect also brings out the pupils’ leadership qualities for higher responsibilities in the future. The current opportunity which prefects have to serve is a stepping stone for them to become superior leaders in future, with a desire to embolden our core values of Aspiration, Respect and Confidence in themselves and others.

Our staff want our pupils to be the best they can be, wherever life takes them, and by the time they are ready to progress to senior school our Year 6 will have truly established lifelong learning skills.

Mrs Vanessa Wood

Assistant Principal and Head of Prep School

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