Monday 18 June 2018

Mrs Daley Selected to Play for England

Mrs Daley began the sport as a pupil at Ipswich High School and was encouraged by a PE teacher to join Ipswich Hockey Club. She joined around the age of 13 and by the time she was 15 was a member of the first team squad. She also played for Suffolk. Following school she attended Birmingham University, where she played National League Hockey. Three of her Birmingham teammates have also been called up to the England Masters so there was plenty of catching up to do when the players convened for squad training.

Following graduation, Mrs Daley let the hockey take a back seat for two years while she concentrated on her career, but having joined the staff of St Joseph’s College she also re-joined Ipswich Hockey Club. Earlier this year her manager at the club advised her to attend trials for the England Masters Over 35 team. There were four sessions and despite early doubts about her chances, she began to realise she stood a chance.

In July Mrs Daley will travel to Terrassa in Spain for the Masters World Cup. The event will run from 25 July to 6 August. There should be some partisan support for her, too. Her parents, husband, Mark, and children, Jack and Georgia – Year 3 and Year 1 pupils respectively at the Prep School – plan to fly out to watch a couple of evening games and spend some time with Mrs Daley during the team’s two-day rest period.

Mrs Daley said she loved her job at St Joseph’s. ‘Our girls are fantastic – their commitment to training and fixtures, their enthusiasm and their skill are excellent and very rewarding!’ she added.

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