Prep for Adventure Open Morning

A stupendous adventure awaits all those children lucky enough to be attending our Prep School Open Morning in February.

At St Joseph’s College, Ipswich, we strive to keep education as exciting as pre-schoolers believe it to be, so with every step along the way – whether academic, sporting or extra-curricular – the wonder and magic are retained as essential components.

That’s why our Open Morning on Thursday, 2 February, won’t be limited to displays of work or dry explanations of courses of study. It will be a doing day for the children. After all, it’s their great adventure, this journey into knowledge of the world and all it has to offer.

We are calling the event ‘Prep for Adventure’ and all participants should expect to be amazed and delighted. School can and should be this much fun! The children will journey through six zones: Dinosaurs in the Wild, Sea Quest, Zero Gravity Gymnastics, Encounters with Beasts and Beats, Discovery Centre and T-Rex Team Sports.

For parents reading the subtext, the zones represent what St Jo’s specialises in – excellent educational practice across the year groups and curriculum. Dinosaur bones aren’t discovered under desks; that’s why we are taking to the wooded grounds. And when it comes to Early Years, what constitutes adventure on the rolling main better than playdough starfish and pirate role play? That’s a Sea Quest in anybody’s language.

With an animal specialist on the teaching staff, giant creepy crawlies and outlandish small mammals are regular visitors, and they never cease to astound. For this event, however, we’re supplementing them with one of the largest land carnivores of all time, a ‘terrible lizard’ thought to have been extinct for 65 million years. We plan to unleash the beast – but don’t worry, your children will be perfectly safe!

Did we mention robot building and the Forensics investigation? So much to do and so much to discover, children might need to pace themselves. St Joseph’s Prep and Senior is known for the quality of its sport and that is not being overlooked. We promise confidence-building teamwork challenges and sports masterclasses with our outstanding professional coaches.

Think it could not sound any better? Well – it’s free! Happy children thrive and we hope your own will join us to test that theory for themselves. Drop in between 9am and 12.00pm and let the adventure begin. Or to find out more complete our enquiry form

Download the Prep for Adventure Map

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