An inspired
and inspiring education for
ages 11 to 16
As they work and grow, the young people in our care are encouraged to reflect our values in every area of their lives: to aspire to great things, respect one another and the environment, and to develop the confidence to pursue their dreams.

Learning Within and Beyond the Curriculum
At St Joseph’s, education is a personal journey, shaped around the individual needs of each child. Our students are not on a conveyor belt being inexorably propelled towards a particular university. There are many more great destinations than one!
The senior years are a time of rapid development for children as they grow into teenagers, often with a very determined outlook of their own. We aim to give them all the opportunity to reach their full academic potential. For most, that will probably be taking the more traditional route towards higher education.
We understand that children learn in a variety of ways and mature earlier or later. Diversity of opportunity is vital in creating a balanced education. This is a time to consolidate the basics and move towards specialist subjects; some will fly ahead and some will take a little longer. We care about the progress, achievement and attainment of all.
St Joseph’s offers an extraordinary range of options beyond the curriculum – encompassing clubs, trips and visits, leadership, academic extension, adventure training and charity work – to broaden horizons and prepare students for the world beyond Senior School.
Introducing the Senior School staff
Snapshot Open Morning
Friday 25 April 2025

Here you will find answers to some of the commonly asked questions about St Joseph’s College Senior School. Feel free to browse through the questions to learn more.
What Learning Support is available at Senior School?
St Jo’s Senior School has a designated Learning Support department providing assistance to students who require additional support in relation to for example Dyslexia Dyscalculia or ADHD. Our experienced staff work closely with students and families to provide tailored support, enabling our boys and girls to reach their full potential.
How can St Jo’s Senior School support my child’s transition from a smaller local school and help them feel confident and excited about this new chapter in their academic journey?
St Jo’s understands that moving to a new school can be daunting for some students and also for some parents! That’s why we offer several opportunities to bolster children’s confidence and excitement about joining us. Our Mission Impossible event provides incoming Year 7s with a chance to join our current Year 6s for a fun and immersive day before accepting a place at the College. Senior School students have two transition days in June. Year 7s have the place to themselves when they join us a day ahead of the rest of the College in September. This means they get off to a flying start by meeting their classmates and teachers, and learning a little more about St Jo’s before the timetable begins.
What level of pastoral support is offered?
Pastoral care is never more necessary than for Sixth Formers, who are following important pathways toward their careers and who are on the verge of full independence. Support includes Form Tutors and Heads of Year, who know individual students well and are always available for guidance. Our Pastoral Support Assistant, Senior Pastoral Manager, team of Designated Safeguarding Leads and Vice Principal Pastoral will step in if asked or required. Quiet spaces for reflection and ‘decompression’ include the Chapel and Wellbeing Hub. There is also a student-led mental health action group, a full-time nurse on campus, and a qualified counsellor.
St Jo’s is rightly renowned for sport. Does it provide opportunities for less sporty students and those whose interests lie in other areas?
Absolutely! We pride ourselves on the breadth and depth of our curriculum and extra-curricular offering. Sport is strong here, but so, too, are the creative and performing arts. Opportunities abound in public speaking and debating, engineering, enterprise and service. Regardless of whether your child is sporty or not, we will help them discover and develop their passions.
Why don’t we see St Joseph’s College in league tables?
St Jo’s doesn’t appear in league tables because we choose not to register for them. We do not recognise league tables as the best way to record our students’ attainment. We take students with a mixed range of abilities and we celebrate each individual Everest conquered. That said, St Jo’s proves that you don’t have to select academically to achieve well academically. We consistently ‘add value’ as our students outperform their forecasted grades. We do this through the provision of excellent teaching and learning opportunities and by ensuring our students are happy, challenged and esteemed. Happy students are much more likely to thrive and excel.