Inspired learning through play for children aged
2 to 4
At our private Nursery, children can enjoy days filled with exciting play-based activities, all while under the care of our gentle, patient, and well-qualified staff. With each session, youngsters can build confidence and friendships through fun and engaging activities. Parents can rest easy knowing that their pre-school children are not only safe and happy but also actively learning and growing.

Water, sand and mud
Curriculum sounds like a strangely grown-up word to use in connection with very young children, but although the learning experienced in our private nursery is play-based – with the children leading the way – it is purposeful.
The dedicated staff create a calm and motivated environment, allowing each child’s interests to emerge. Encouragement draws out deeper understanding and inspires further experimentation. Playing with water, sand and mud equals science, engineering and design – a curriculum!
The Nursery has its own colourful and secure outdoor play area, where walls can be built, tricycles ridden and energy expended. Just steps away are all the facilities and resources of the infant and junior departments, inviting green spaces and the rest of the College campus.
By encountering a broad range of carefully planned activities, each child is encouraged to develop good manners and respect for one another as they learn.
Meet the Nursery School team
Prep and Nursery Snapshot Open Morning
Thursday 22 May

Here you will find answers to some of the commonly asked questions about St Joseph’s College Nursery. Feel free to browse through the questions to learn more.
My child is still in nappies. Will this be a problem?
We cater for children from two years old and are equipped with nappy changing facilities, ready to do the necessary.
An 8.00 am start helps me as a working parent but my son/daughter won’t eat breakfast so early. Can you help?
Families are very welcome to send their child’s breakfast to school with them. A showdown over breakfast at home is quite unnecessary when a leisurely breakfast at Nursery is an option.
Which meals are served during the day?
Children are provided with simple morning and afternoon snacks. A full hot lunch is brought across from the College kitchen to provide an appetising and wholesome meal in the middle of the day. Then there’s Nursery tea at 4.00 pm.
What is different about your Nursery provision?
St Joseph’s College year-round Nursery offers a unique provision, with Sport, Drama and Music taught to children as young as two-years-old by our qualified specialist staff. We ensure children receive high-quality instruction in these areas right from the beginning of their education.
How do you ensure that children of different age groups can safely and comfortably play together in the playground?
The beauty of being connected to St Joseph’s Prep School is that the children have access to great facilities and teachers. They’re part of the Prep School community. However, the Nursery has its own space with designated areas, such as its own adjacent playground.
Will my child need to wear a uniform?
The only extras needed for St Jo’s Nursery are wellies, waterproofs and a sense of adventure for our mud kitchen and 60-acre grounds. Little St Jo’s red sweatshirts are available to buy – but these are optional.