EAL Student Pathway

Master English at St Joseph’s College

St Joseph’s College now offers an EAL Student Pathway course designed to provide intensive support for international students with limited proficiency in English. This programme aims to enhance students’ ability to access the College’s main curriculum and qualifications more effectively and successfully. Importantly, the course also seeks to improve students’ academic attainment and overall achievement by developing and improving their spoken and written English and their ability to comprehend effectively, when reading and listening to English.


By reducing the stress and anxiety often associated with enrolling in a UK boarding school, our pathway will ensure that the transition to mainstream education at St Joseph’s College, is a smooth and positive experience for international students to enable them to go onto exciting and prestigious destinations.

*English as an Additional Language

KS3 (11-14 yrs)

  • Students will be assessed every Monday on EAL content covered the week before
  • Parents and Guardian will receive a weekly report home on the students’ linguistic progress with commentary on weekly activity 
  • At the end of each term student will sit Cambridge assessment to assess their ability to enter mainstream education
  • Students should be working toward joining full curriculum upon obtaining B1

KS4 (14-16 yrs)

  • Students will be assessed every Monday on EAL content covered the week before
  • Parents and Guardian will receive a weekly report home on the students’ linguistic progress with commentary on weekly activity 
  • At the end of each term student will sit Cambridge assessment to assess their ability to enter mainstream education
  • International Students will work towards completing the following 6 GCSEs (B2):

Math​s, English , Science (2 GCSEs)​, Option 1, Option 2, Faith Life and Wellbeing , Bespoke EAL tutoring 

KS5 (16-18 yrs)

  • Students will be assessed every Monday on EAL content covered the week before
  • Parents and Guardian will receive a weekly report home on the students’ linguistic progress with commentary on weekly activity 
  • At the end of each term student will sit Cambridge assessment to assess their ability to enter mainstream education
  • International Students will work towards completing 3 A levels and IELTS (B2 and above)

Hear from our EAL students

Discover how our EAL Student Pathway supports our International students with their grammatical proficiency, literacy and conversational fluency.

Welcome to Boarding

Meet Head of Boarding Jonathan Sim and discover the St Joseph’s College Boarding provision


Learn more about the EAL Student Pathway

Who can enrol in the International Pathway Program?

The programme is open to international students of all academic backgrounds who wish to improve their English proficiency and prepare for mainstream academic studies including GCSE and A Level qualifications.

Are there different levels in the EAL program?

Yes, the EAL program is structured into different levels to accommodate students’ varying levels of proficiency. Students are placed in appropriate levels based on their initial language assessment and can progress through the levels as they improve.

How will my child integrate with other British students if they join this programme?

While your child will have dedicated EAL classes, they will also attend mainstream academic classes and electives with British students.  We also have Games and enrichment sessions every week which allows for natural interaction and collaboration. Our school operates a house system where students from different year groups and backgrounds are grouped together. Students will be allocated to different houses and tutor groups to foster a sense of community and belonging, encouraging your child to build friendships across the student body.

Is there a deadline for applications?

Yes, however we have rolling entry points to make sure all students can have access to the programme. We have four terms each academic year. Please refer to our admissions calendar or contact the admissions office for exact dates.

What does my child need to bring to Boarding?

A full list of what to bring will be supplied in the Boarding Students’ Information Guide before they travel. It is, however, worth mentioning that each boarding student will be provided with a bed pack at the start of the year, which includes a duvet, pillow and bed linen. Therefore, they do not need to bring any bedding unless they prefer to use their own. In addition, the boarding houses are equipped with study rooms that have computers and Chromebooks for students to use, so they do not need to bring their own devices unless they choose to. However, if your child does bring any electrical equipment, it is important to inform the boarding staff so that the equipment can be PAT tested.

What is laundry like in Boarding?

All clothing should be labelled with the student’s name. Each student is issued with a laundry bag and will be allotted a designated laundry day. Sports kit and towels may, of course, be washed any day of the week!

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