Friends of St Jo’s

We count on our Friends and they don’t let us down
Our Friends of association aims to support the St Jo’s community by organising social occasions and actively engaging in them. Every volunteer and idea is welcome.
The College is indebted to these stalwart supporters, whose efforts raise funds for additional equipment and help finance ‘extras’ for the girls and boys.
Items purchased in the past have included sports shelters and the Prep School’s adventurous play equipment. Top of our current wishlist is an outdoor reading gazebo for the Prep School.
Friends of contributions have ensured Christmas, end-of-year parties and summer fetes have gone with a swing. We are also particularly grateful for contributions towards our Bursary Fund, which aims to broaden the access to a St Jo’s education.
Please contact us if you think you could help – as fund-raising ‘creatives’, second hand uniform shop donors, committee members or even as a Father Christmas or Easter Bunny sidekick. St Joseph’s College needs you.
Make a Gift
Your contributions support modern Campus development and children on bursary assisted places.