Education doesn’t end with the school bell

Too few hours in the day? Sometimes families struggle to square parents’ work commitments with their children’s hectic schedules. Boarding might offer a solution, by cutting out the daily commute for students and the evening taxi service for mums and dads. 

Suddenly your family expands tenfold!

Next to their immediate family, probably no-one will know a student better than their fellow boarders.

Living together in a boarding house and sharing everyday experiences from breakfast to movie nights, gives young people an enduring sense of belonging, a wonderful insight into the ups and downs of friendship, and a growing appreciation of personal responsibility.

Friendships among boarders are particularly strong and they overcome any barriers of nationality and race. Boarding at St Joseph’s College isn’t just a special community but a global one. And while our boys and girls are developing independence day-by-day they are always supported by caring adults: both highly-experienced staff and fun-loving gap students.

Boarding is fun. Freedom from the daily grind of commuting, adds valuable hours to the day – hours in which to play sports, follow artistic dreams, crack on with the homework and chill with friends. The brilliant facilities of the campus are at hand and so, too, is the expertise of the teaching staff.

Travelling through the teenage years with adults who have rich experience in supporting young people at this stage of development, offers stability and empowers our boarders. Added to that, family phone calls, weekends at home and the holidays are then appreciated all the more. 

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