St Joseph’s College

Where bright futures begin

It is our intent to create a long-lasting philanthropic approach to enhancing our ability to support children and their families in attending St Jo’s.  There is no escaping that the cost of living impacts us all. We, the college, see it as our responsibility to future-proof the college’s ability to support families who deserve a place at St Joseph’s College and leave our fine institution ready to take on all that life has to offer.

We are immensely proud of our wide-ranging academic provision and our entrenched relationship with sport and other curricular areas. As we look to the future, we hope that our Corner Stone Fund will help build modern classrooms and further develop our provision to ensure students leaving St Jo’s are ready for professional life on and off the field.

Types of Giving

Supporting children on bursary assisted places. With the primary aim to provide opportunities to children who otherwise wouldn’t be able to access St Joseph’s College.

Cornerstone Fund

The Cornerstone Fund is for the purpose and benefit of campus developments that have a long lasting and positive impact on the bricks and mortar of our learning environment. Its aim is to renovate and create purposeful and contempory teaching and learning space for our community and will be compounded with current capital expenditure projects already budgeted for.

Chapel Project

The serene chapel, with its clean internal lines, Mondrian-inspired stained glass, and dramatic verdigris roof, has been a beloved landmark of the College since it first opened in 1967. 

Rebuilt through the generosity of our community and the Cornerstone Fund, this cherished space was reimagined to better serve future generations. Situated between the Senior and Prep Schools, the chapel continues to be the heart of the school, serving as the gathering point for assemblies, prize-giving ceremonies, concerts, and worship.

The renewed chapel stands as a testament to our commitment to fostering a strong and connected community, honoring our traditions while embracing the future.

Reading Gazebo

Halo Fund

Your monthly gift will help children access St Jo’s who may otherwise not be able to join our community due to socioeconomic factors.

Where can your donations take our students?

Old Birkfeldian Lewis Ludlam started his rugby journey at St Joseph’s College on scholarship. An opportunity that kickstarted an astonishing career featuring over 128 appearances for Northampton Saints and representing England in both the 2019 and 2023 Rugby World Cup.

Where can your donation take a student?

How to Donate

Every contribution counts. Make a one-time donation to support  young people joining the college 

Leave a gift in your Will

Make a bank transfer

Payroll giving

Every contribution counts. Make a one-time donation to support  young people joining the college. Each donation directly funds:

  • Facilities
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships
Donate Now

Become a regular supporter by setting up a monthly donation. Consistent support helps us plan and implement long-term student support.

Set Up Monthly Donation

Every contribution counts. Make a one-time donation to support  young people joining the college 

Donate Now ​

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